Amanda from Bryant, Arkansas rented a unit from
Brain Change Center
Here is his testimony after one month of NeurOptimal:
“Hello, this is Amanda B. I used the NeurOptimal machine from December 2018 to February 2019 and I offer this review as my assessment based on my experience.”
I have a traumatic past that includes repeated childhood sexual abuse from ages 9-15. I was also a victim of emotional abuse, physical abuse, and neglect as a child and was raised in an alcoholic household. As I reached adulthood, it was evident that I had adopted coping mechanisms as a child that allowed me to survive these difficult times, but they became maladaptive as I tried to navigate my adult life. Most of the time, the confusion and lack of clarity of mind was frightening and caused anxiety and depression. I entered trauma recovery to get help with the anxiety, depression, and confusion in my life.
After four years of talk therapy, EMDR, and EFT, some things had improved, but I still had the mental confusion and hopelessness that I couldn't overcome. I decided to try the NeurOptimal system to complement these other modalities. And what NeurOptimal gave me was a miracle. The confusion and hopelessness disappeared and I am able to function at a much higher level with fewer emotional issues. The best way to explain it is that I can now look at situations and think about them rationally with more organized thoughts instead of thinking doom and gloom. The greatest gift that this clearer, more organized thinking has given me is that I have stopped being so negative toward others, which has allowed me to go out into community.
Before using the NeurOptimal system, I thought people were mean and untrustworthy and I viewed life through the lens of my past trauma. I often avoided people and if I ever had to brave a group activity, I would be extremely uncomfortable sitting in silence where no one could get to know me and I could get to know no one. After NeurOptimal, my thinking has become more organized and clearer, I am now excited to go to group functions and am able to engage with people, talk and communicate.
This connection with others has made a huge difference in my well-being and has given more meaning to a recovery term I had often heard, “recovery happens in groups” or “healing happens in relationships.” In the past, my thinking kept me from being in relationships, which slowed my recovery. But NeurOptimal has changed my thinking, it’s a miracle! My time with NeurOptimal has allowed me to have my life back. Even though my thinking is clear and the depression and anxiety are gone, I still need to continue to talk through and process the traumatic memories that resulted from a childhood of dysfunction. So, as I continue my trauma recovery work through traditional talk therapy, EMDR, and EFT, I will remember NeurOptimal as the tool that made true recovery possible. A tool that gave me my life back.”
Amanda B., Bryant Arkansas