ZV2 is the quintessence of equipment using frequency energy field technology.
combining bioresonance and biomagnetism. Bioresonance acts on cells and sleep rhythms.
Biomagnetism acts deep in the body. ZViolyne generates a beneficial energetic and vibrational environment.
ZV2 has been around since 2014, it is a cutting-edge biotechnology that has two main actions: on the one hand, it increases the energy level of cells and on the other hand, it improves deep and restorative sleep. Its basic concept is to use a combination of two techniques, bioresonance and biomagnetism, we are talking about frequency energy fields.
It was the subject of a statistical study carried out in collaboration with the Paul Sabatier University of Toulouse on 162 people and demonstrated that the ZV2 well-being equipment has an effect on health with 4 main results:
It is a device that acts in a global and regulatory way on the whole organism and not on
symptomatic way on one or another problem that one may have.
By acting on the functioning of cells, ZV2 improves cellular exchanges and allows the cell to produce more ATP, which raises the cell's energy level and therefore the body's energy level.
The very wide spectrum of frequencies used by ZV2 will allow for a global action on the entire organism: this wide spectrum starts at 1 Hz and goes up to 40,000 Hz. Each frequency emitted, if it meets a cell that reacts to its own frequency, will raise the energy level of this cell, thus allowing it to produce what it has to produce: ATP, proteins, hormones, neurotransmitters, etc.
ZV2 is equipped with a deep sleep program that allows you toincrease deep sleep time in delta waves.
The action on sleep is done by seeing the frequency of deep sleep which regulates the natural cycles of our brain to help it not only rest but also regenerate the organs.
The increase in this deep sleep time varies depending on the user, but it allows the brain to regenerate and start again in the morning with a clear mind; this deep sleep is the most restorative and allows for improved physical and mental fitness.
Many researchers are working on the benefits of this deep sleep and at least two studies, one on myocardial infarction (American Heart Association) and the other on Alzheimer's disease (Pr Isabelle Arnulf La Pitié Salpêtrière – France) have shown how important this deep sleep is for a good life balance and good health.
-Confirmed by the French Federation of Cardiology.
As early as the 19th century, pioneers such as Nicolas Tesla in the USA and Georges Lakhowsky in France showed that it was possible to have a physiological effect on the human body by sending strong magnetic fields or by creating an electromagnetic fog between two electrodes.
Natural electromagnetic fields should not be confused or equated with artificial electromagnetic fields.
Life on Earth has developed since its origin, and has been shaped by the influence of these continuous terrestrial fields.
It is extraordinary to note that it is almost impossible to distinguish the encephalogram of a sleeping person from that of planet Earth (Shuman resonances).
There is a close connection between life and the planetary matrix:
At the beginning of the 20th century, bioresonance was born. The concept is simple: each thing has its own frequency, so each cell has its own frequency. Our body is made up of 100,000 billion cells, including 1,500 to 2,000 different types of cells. It is therefore necessary to send each of these cells the frequency that corresponds to it so that it resumes its activity and increases its energy level. Bioresonance is a fine method that acts on cells and all metabolic processes in the body. In the same way that the vibration of a tuning fork causes the vibration of another tuning fork that vibrates at the same frequency as it, each cell connects to its own frequency.
For all
ZV2 is for everyone because by acting on the functioning of cells, ZV2 improves cellular exchanges and allows the cell to produce more ATP, which raises the energy level of the cell and therefore the energy level of the body. Each cell will be able to produce more proteins, hormones, neurotransmitters, etc. It therefore contributes to the good general functioning of the body.
For seniors
70% of ZV2 customers are seniors:
For the sick
ZV2 is a daily aid for all patients, regardless of the type of illness, and without contraindications or side effects. ZV2 brings comfort to daily life thanks to its 4 basic actions:
Only contraindication: organ transplant with immunosuppressive treatment.
For athletes
International level athletes who use the ZV2 (marathon, middle distance, rugby, golf, padel...) all recognize that this equipment has exceptional results for recovery after exercise.
Muscles relax, tension and pain disappear, sleep is deeper and general fitness improves.
The interest of using ZV2 is not only a better recovery time, but also the preservation of the organism over the years.
The action of ZV2 being global by improving cellular exchanges and increasing the time of deep sleep, it participates in a good general functioning of the body. It can be used as a preventative or as an accompaniment in your daily life for better physical shape, better mental health, reduced pain and improved deep restorative sleep.
What results can be expected from ZV2 physiological-cellular therapy?
* Improved blood and lymphatic circulation
* Pain reduction
* Improved nutrient and oxygen supply
* Better elimination of waste and toxins
* Facilitated falling asleep and sleeping
* Improved physical and mental fitness
* Strengthening the immune system
* Stimulation of metabolism
* Acceleration of regeneration and healing processes
* General well-being
Regulate Your Nervous System - Optimize Your Brain Functions - Regulate Your Emotions - Improve Your Cognitive Flexibility - Reduce Your Stress - Get Out of Burnout - Increase Your Resilience -
Lighten Your Mental Load - Get Deep and Restorative Sleep - Boost Your Creativity - Better Physical Fitness - Improve Your Concentration - Recovery After Exercise - Mental Preparation...