NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback

Dynamical Neurofeedback: NeurOptimal® 

NeurOptimal ® Neurofeedback

The most advanced and unique second generation system, or Dynamical Neurofeedback® on the market...


NeurOptimal® neurofeedback can improve a variety of physical, cognitive or emotional concerns...
Non-invasive, NeurOptimal® Dynamical Neurofeedback®  is suitable for all ages. Children, schoolchildren, studentss, adults, elderly people, athletes...

Neurofeedback is a form of Biofeedback, it is an advanced technology born from research in the fields of neuroscience...

Neurofeedback is a technology born in the United States in the early 1960s thanks to the research work of Dr. Joe Kamiya and Dr. Barry Sterman...
NeurOptimal® is a form of neurofeedback that is distinguished by its ability to adapt to the unique needs of each user....


At the heart of our well-being is the brain, the control center of our central nervous system (CNS). It governs every aspect of our lives—physical, emotional, and mental. The brain is a dynamical and complex structure, capable of processing enormous amounts of information. Its self-regulating capacity allows it to manage many processes outside of our conscious awareness, freeing the mind to focus on immediate stimuli. However, when the brain and CNS are not functioning effectively, this can manifest itself in a variety of problems such as stress, sleep disturbances, headaches, rumination, high mental load, or even learning difficulties.

NeurOptimal® neurofeedback is designed to help your brain become more efficient and balanced, unlocking its full potential. Since every brain is unique, the experience with NeurOptimal® varies from person to person. However, many users report improvements in five key areas:

  1. Relaxation and Stability of the Nervous System: By learning to function better, your brain will provide you with a sense of calm and relaxation. This often leads to improved sleep, reduced reactivity to stress, and an overall feeling of stability and grounding in daily life.
  2. Mental Clarity and Improved Information Processing
    With continued use, many people experience clearer thinking and improved cognitive abilities. Decision-making becomes easier, attention is sharpened, and creativity is expressed more naturally. You may feel more present, with a better ability to cope with challenges without feeling overwhelmed.

  3. Support for Neurodiversity
    While NeurOptimal® is not a direct treatment for neurodiversity-related conditions, such as attention deficit disorder, it helps the brain function more efficiently. This can alleviate some of the associated symptoms, such as difficulty concentrating or organizing. Many people experience an improvement in their ability to focus, make decisions more quickly, and cope better with their daily lives.

  4. Stress Reduction
    NeurOptimal® can also be a valuable tool for managing periods of emotional overload or stress. By helping the brain regulate itself naturally, it allows for a better response to stressful situations, increasing calm and inner stability. Many people experience greater control over their emotions and a better ability to cope with challenges without feeling overwhelmed.

  5. Improving Performance in Various Areas
    Whether you're looking to excel in sports, academics, or your professional activities, NeurOptimal® can help you achieve your goals by improving focus, organization, and overall performance. It gives your brain the boost it needs to function at its best and allows you to reach new levels of success.

  6. Sustainable Growth and Flexibility
    One of the unique aspects of NeurOptimal® is that its benefits can continue long after the sessions have ended. As your brain adapts to working more efficiently, you may find that old patterns of behavior or thought become a distant memory, replaced by a stronger sense of self and a better ability to cope with life’s ups and downs.


What is neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback is an advanced technology born from research in the fields of neuroscience, computer science, physics and mathematics. It is a cutting-edge, non-invasive and painless method that aims to modulate and better regulate brain activity by working on the central nervous system.
Neurofeedback training can therefore bring about cognitive, emotional or physiological improvements.

Our brain is made up of nerve cells called neurons. The number of neurons in humans is estimated to be about 8 6 billion. These neurons constantly emit electrical signals that form various patterns called brain waves. Scientists have identified five distinct brain wave patterns: Alpha, Beta, Theta, Delta, and Gamma. These waves are measured in cycles per second (Hertz) and correspond to our emotional and cognitive states, they are closely linked to our thoughts, moods, emotions as well as our physiology.

The principle of Neurofeedback is to measure the electrical activity of your neurons using sensors placed on your head. These sensors are connected to an encoder that amplifies the signal and transforms it into a digital signal that can be read by sophisticated software that provides feedback to the user.

Today, neurofeedback applications are multiple and implementations are very varied. This ranges from the medical environment using complex normative or 3D neurofeedback systems to target specific symptoms to the unique automated system that trains the brain to self-regulate and function better overall.


Where does Dynamical Neurofeedback®  come from?

It was Dr. Valdeane Brown and his wife Dr. Sue Brown, clinical psychologists and neurofeedback specialists for over 30 years, who created and developed second generation Neurofeedback, or "Dynamical Neurofeedback®".
On the scientific side, they used the work of Dr. Herbert Benson and his team at Harvard Medical School on the relaxation response, that of Nobel Prize winner in physics Dennis Gabor, in particular on non-linear analog computers (later called neural networks) and the work of Karl Pribram, a researcher in psychology and cognitive sciences at Georgetown University - Washington, professor at Stanford University, and pioneer of research on the cerebral cortex, he is known for having developed the holonomic model of the brain and cognitive function and for his contribution to current neurological research on engrams.
William Ross Ashby, an English psychiatrist-engineer and one of the fathers of cybernetics, also took part in the design of this unique Neurofeedback system. It is the most advanced to date.
This is not a "quantum medicine" tool or a medical treatment. The core of the NeurOptimal® system is a proprietary neuroscience-based technology specifically designed to develop Neuro-ergonomics by harnessing your brain's intrinsic intelligence by triggering its natural tendency toward self-regulation, resilience, and flexibility in a way that other systems simply cannot match to date.
Neuroergonomics is a discipline that helps prevent our brain from suffering (stress, burnout, sadness, anxiety, etc.) and seeks to optimize the functioning of the brain in its environment. Neuroergonomics focuses on performance and well-being (To learn more, you can consult Parasuraman's book published in 2006 Neuroergonomics: The brain at work - in English).

In a traditional linear neurofeedback system, a "neuro-snapshot" of a subject's brain is taken at a given moment in a first session, and then, in subsequent sessions, real-time feedback is used to entrain the amplitude of the signals to decrease or increase in order to reach a predefined state, determined by an operator (usually a physician or other neurofeedback expert).

NeurOptimal® Dynamical Neurofeedback

Zengar's NeurOptimal® differs from traditional neurofeedback methods. Its approach is non-medical and does not involve any diagnosis. This system does not force the signals to increase or decrease to reach a predefined amplitude, but it stabilizes it around an ideal value according to the user's unique brain. The protocol is not the same for everyone, on the contrary it is adaptive and unique to each brain. This type of neurofeedback called dynamic is based on two properties of the brain: neuronal plasticity, that is to say the capacity of the brain to modify its neuronal circuits and on thehomeodynamic that is, the brain's ability to self-regulate in the face of a constantly changing environment. In Dynamical Neurofeedback®, the process is entirely directed by the brain itself rather than being directed by a human operator.

NeurOptimal® is the most advanced form of second-generation neurofeedback on the market. The software works in real time in 8 frequency bands and on 20 targets at a time for each cerebral hemisphere. This simultaneous work avoids the side effects that occur when focusing on a single target or when forcing signals to reach a specific amplitude. NeurOptimal® focuses on sudden amplitude changes. Using 5 sensors, neuronal activity is measured 256 times per second. This electrical activity recorded in real time is associated with music or animation. When a sudden variation in the amplitude of the emerging signal is detected, the software immediately informs the brain in return by an auditory or visual interruption (negative feedback).
It is the simultaneous association of this sudden variation in nascent amplitude and this interruption that triggers the mechanisms of neuroplasticity, a natural characteristic of the brain that consists of constantly changing itself. This feedback has a meaning specific to your brain, since it is the brain itself that causes these interruptions.

Over the course of the sessions, your brain reorganizes itself and learns to function better. For the user, learning requires no effort because learning is done at the subconscious level unlike conventional equipment where the user must make a conscious effort to achieve a specific goal and obtain a reward (positive feedback).
A NeurOptimal® session is a real moment of relaxation.

This technology has no side effects and requires no effort from the client. It is a non-medical approach that does not require any diagnosis.
It is not a treatment but a training that teaches the brain to optimize its functioning.

NeurOptimal® neurofeedback versus other systems:

NeurOptimal® is unique and  stands out for its ability to adapt to the specific needs of each user. Unlike traditional linear neurofeedback systems that follow fixed protocols, NeurOptimal® works by providing feedback on 20 different targets simultaneously, without requiring prior diagnosis. This allows each brain to receive the information necessary to self-correct autonomously. Thanks to its Dynamical Thresholding® technology and its ZenModes, NeurOptimal® offers a safe and natural approach to promote positive change.

Neurofeedback dynamique versus neurofeedback linéaire

Translated by Neurozen® source:

Who can do neurofeedback?

Non-invasive, Dynamical Neurofeedback® is suitable for all ages. Children, schoolchildren, students, adults, seniors, athletes, business leaders, artists, anyone wishing to improve their performance, mental acuity, well-being, quality of life.
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