
The Athletes

In order to meet your needs or those of your team,Neurozen offers you 2 cutting-edge Biotechnologies:
  • Dynamical Neurofeedback for an optimal mindset
  • ZV2 Bioresonance for an optimal physique


According to the constitution of the World Health Organization (WHO), health is "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." This definition, included in the preamble to the WHO constitution since 1946, therefore implies for athletes not only an optimum physical state and mental health beyond the absence of mental disorders.
A healthy mental state is a state of well-being where the individual is aware of his or her own abilities, can cope with life's stresses, and can work effectively and productively while contributing to his or her community.
Successful athletes have high self-confidence, are able to block out distractions, manage their stress levels, are results-oriented, and exhibit healthy perfectionism.
In the world of sports athletes face challenges physical (training, injuries) but also challenges psychological, cognitive, and emotional(Fear of failure, perfectionism, expectations of results, interpersonal relationships, career transitions, etc.),
Concretely, these mental blocks are very common and can be translated as follows: - Inconsistency in performance, timid play due to fear of failure, - Absences from trainingts or matches for fear of playing badly (anxiety) -A better level in training than during matches, revealing stress linked to the expectation of results and their statistics. -Emotion on edge, easily frustrated, unhealthy perfectionism.
Added to this are other challenges, events and
problems in their private lives. All these different factors are closely linked to their sporting performances.

Our services dedicated to athletes

Neurozen® offers to support athletes and sports teams in their quest for performance through well-being.
We offer a non-invasive Neurofeedback brain training method as well as a unique Bioresonance system that raises the energy level of the cells that make us up and significantly improves deep and restorative sleep.
These programs fit into a recovery, preparation and physical maintenance program as well as a sports psychology or mental preparation program.

 For all information contact:
+33 7 84 47 57 16 or send us a message using the form below:

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